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Optimized shelf management.wire shelving unit accessories

Time:2024-03-26 source:other news Popular:display shelving wholesaler Views:877


  The optimal management goal of shelves is to make high-performance products easy to see, easy to find, easy to choose, the basic principle is that the distribution of the proportion of product shelf area and market share as far as possible. Specific aspects are as follows:

  1, product style selection. What products and related brands should be placed on the shelves. Generally, it is determined according to the role of the category: the products and related brands that occupy higher cubic space, higher passenger flow, prominent and easy to see should be the products and related brands of the target category; General category should be located in high cubic space, high passenger flow; The seasonal contingency category should be located in the general cubic space and the general passenger flow. Convenient products are placed in the low cubic space and the remaining location of the store. In this way, the important categories are placed in a prominent position, which can attract consumers' attention, increase their interest in choosing products, stimulate their desire to buy, and store shelves.

  2. Product placement. In general, the placement method should consider: the visual effect of the shelf, generally near the line of sight and within reach, its sales effect is better; The height of the product display has a decisive impact on sales, the general ideal height is from the ground 80 cm to 130 cm; The price label of the product should be easy to read to assist consumers in obtaining price information and to help supplement and display the product; The appropriate use of some shelf cards can improve the promotion effect.

  3. Product placement space. Refers to how much shelf space each product and related brand should occupy. There are three ways to measure shelf space: plane space, three-dimensional space and area space. The space allocation of products should be based on the performance of products, so that the space it occupies is proportional to the sales volume, and the space of products that do not sell well should be reduced to give way to products that perform better.

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